Toddler Care
Enjoy the Expanding Universe of Twos and Toddlers
Twos and Toddlers at globegarden
The years of twos and toddlers are joyful years. Children start walking, talking, singing and laughing. They embrace life to its fullest every day and really grow by leaps and bounds. Your child now has preferred foods and favorite toys and has developed his or her own likes and dislikes as well as opinions. Children are developing independence with all the natural challenges that go along with this time.
Growing Independence
Despite all the progress children make during these important years, this age is sometimes called the “terrible twos” (or threes). As children discover their universe with growing independence, this may pose challenges for them as well as parents and teachers. At globegarden we provide:
- Opportunities for children to be independent, providing them with simple tasks they can master, such as helping to set the table, putting toys away, putting on their shoes, helping to clean up and walking to the playground
- Plenty of time to transition from one activity to another, as our teachers understand that children this age can do many things older children can – it just takes a little more time because toddlers cannot switch gears like adults
- Choices to empower children to make own choices, such as picking from a range of healthy food or choosing favorite play activities or songs in a morning circle
- Set-up of routines as twos and toddlers like to know what’s going to happen next, from waving out the window after childcare drop-off to coming together in a morning circle with their friends to start the childcare day
The Creative Curriculum
Our program for twos and toddlers takes into account the big developmental leaps children make at this age. It is based on exploration and interaction in safe, engaging surroundings to help your two- or three-year-old learn about his or her expanding world. Program highlights include:
- Supporting children in discovering their new self-dependence and autonomy
- Encouraging language skills and telling simple stories
- Forming first friendships and developing social skills, empathy and building positive relationships
- Exploring foods, building large motor skills and spending ample time outdoors
- Body awareness, encouraging stop-hand, boundaries and my body belongs to me
- Building on “why, what and how” questions with early science and experiments
- Being creative with arts and crafts projects, music and dance