How outings tell us about life

We regularly take the children outside. To the post office, the zoo or across the pedestrian crossing. All this allows the children to experience the world.
Discovering the world with all senses
Observing, hearing, feeling, touching, smelling, tasting - children discover the world with all their senses. That is why it is so important to give them inspiring impulses and diverse opportunities to train and expand their perception. At globegarden, exploring, experimenting, trying out and experiencing within different fields of experience has top priority. This active process of learning and spiritual growth naturally takes place for the most part within the facilities, but we place just as much emphasis on regularly going out with children into "real life".
Curiosity is the motor of child development
Small excursions - which are of course adapted to the age of the child - not only fulfill the educational and supportive mission of day-care centers, but also contribute significantly to the personality development of the children. This means that every new experience a child has trains its basic emotional attitude with which it moves in the world. Qualities such as a sense of duty, responsibility, empathy and communication skills are developed. Above all, however, excursions are conducive to a child›s thirst for knowledge. After all, children are curious by nature, want to understand what is happening around them and why adults react in which way in which situations. Thanks to their curiosity, children are constantly expanding their horizons, they experience that learning is fun and that new knowledge makes you feel good. This positive reinforcement then leads them to always want to continue learning - an important aspect for their later school career.
Take off for an excursion
Whether it›s a walk in the park, a visit to the zoo, circus, museum, post office, bakery, fire station or farm - there are plenty of ideas for outings, but they all have one thing in common:
- The children learn to better understand and appreciate their environment.
- During excursions, knowledge is imparted in a particularly practical and vivid way.
- It is exciting for the girls and boys when they get to meet people, animals and facts that they might otherwise only know from children›s books in person – they can literally touch them.
- The children›s attention and perceptiveness are considerably improved through direct experience.
- During an excursion, a mindful, social interaction is practiced, the children get to know each other better and build new relationships.
- Through the new impressions, the children also learn a lot about themselves, about their own strengths and weaknesses. This strengthens their self-esteem.
- Since safety has absolute priority on every excursion, the children gain important insights into (behavioral) rules that must be observed.
Detailed planning and implementation
The be-all and end-all for our excursions is always precise planning. Our educational specialists take care of the organization and smooth running, for example by selecting suitable tours that are tailored exactly to the demands and needs of the respective age groups. Of course, the excursion destinations are also discussed with the parents, who are given all the necessary information such as the destination, the means of transport as well as the date and planned times in a letter to the parents, who in turn also confirm their child›s participation in the excursion in writing.
Long-lasting learning experiences
The globegarden educational team prepares for each excursion in the best possible way in order to be able to impart as much information as possible to the children on the respective topics. It actively accompanies the children and conveys a basic understanding of their environment. Furthermore, it is important to us that the excursions also have a lasting effect. Therefore, the excursion is always reflected on together with the children in the group room during the following days and the acquired knowledge is followed up in the facilities. The children can process their newly gained impressions creatively, for example. With self-painted pictures or handicrafts, the memories are particularly well anchored. Or we plant a new vegetable patch when we have been to the market with the children and practise our own clown show after the visit to the circus.